Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Affordable Rental Housing Complexes (ARHCs) is a sub-scheme under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Urban (PMAY-U).

ARHCs means a listed project with a mix of at-least 40 Dwelling Units (DUs) and Dormitories along with basic civic infrastructure facilities such as water, sanitation, sewerage/ septage, road, electricity along with necessary social/ commercial infrastructure for urban migrant/poor of EWS/LIG categories.

DUs will comprise of single bedroom up to 30 sqm/ double bedroom up to 60 sqm with living area, kitchen, toilet and bathroom and Dormitory Bed of up to 10 sqm carpet areas each. A maximum of one-third units (33%) in a project with 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, toilet and bathroom is allowed. The prospective agencies/entities may propose DUs/Dormitories as follows:

Type of DUs Carpet Area (sqm) Unit Structure Ratio under ARHCs
Single Bedroom Up to 30 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet etc. with sufficient storage space as loft and cupboard. Ratio of DUs and dormitory beds may vary as per project requirement.
Dormitory Up to 10 Separate bed, side table, shelves, lockers, common facilities of kitchen, toilet etc. with sufficient storage space as loft and cupboard.
Double Bedroom Up to 60 2 bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet etc. with sufficient storage space as loft and cupboard. A maximum of one-third (33%) of total DUs in the project is permissible as ARHCs.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, massive reverse migration of labourers/urban poor has happened. These migrants generally live in slums, informal/ unauthorised colonies or peri-urban areas to save on high rental charges. They may not be interested in ownership housing and generally look for affordable rental alternatives. ARHCs aim to improve ease of living of urban migrants/poor by providing them decent accommodation with all basic amenities near their place of work at affordable rent.

This scheme will be implemented in all Statutory towns, Notified Planning Areas, and areas of Development/ Special Area Development/ Industrial Development Authorities.

Project proposals under ARHCs will be considered upto March 2022.

  1. To address the vision of ‘AatmaNirbhar Bharat’ by creating affordable rental housing for urban migrants/ poor.
  2. To provide dignified living with necessary civic amenities near their workplace.
  3. To create conducive ecosystem for Public/ Private Entities to leverage investmentin rental housing.

Project period is 25 years from the date of commencement of operation as ARHCs.

ARHCs will be implemented through two models:

  1. Model-1: By utilizing existing Government funded vacant houses by converting them into ARHCs under Public Private Partnership.
  2. Model-2: Construction, Operation and Maintenance of ARHCs by Private/ Public Entities on their own vacant land.

Urban migrants for ARHCs means a person or groups of people/ families of EWS/ LIG categories, who take a conscious decision to move away or relocate from their village / towns to other cities/ towns temporarily or permanently, for seeking employment opportunities/ education/ health visits etc.They may include labour, urban poor (street vendors, rickshaw pullers, other service providers etc.), industrial workers, migrants working with market/ trade associations, educational/ health institutions, hospitality sector, long term tourists/ visitors, students or any other persons of such category.

ARHCs will be implemented by Private and Public agencies as Concessionaire/ Entity.

Vacant houses constructed under various schemes of Central/ State Governments/UTs/Parastatals/Private entities can be converted into ARHCs.

ARHCs Operational Guidelines giving technical and operational details, issued by MoHUA is available on the ARHCs website:

Location and Project wise details of ARHCs including occupancy details will be available on ARHC website: and States/ UTs/ ULB/ Parastatal/ Concessionaire/ Entity will be responsible to update the information periodically.

ARHCs will be monitored by concerned States/ULBs.

Midterm evaluation of ARHCs will be carried out by respective States/ MoHUA through an independent agency.

Social Audit of ARHCs will be carried out by MoHUA through an independent agency.

Accreditations of ARHCs will be carried out by ULBs through an independent agency.